Welcome to the Quantum Science group!

From basic quantum physics to quantum technology

We focus on addressing the most challenging problems in our understanding of quantum physics and leveraging these insights to build new technologies.

Our activities range from fundamental physics and quantum information science through to technology development and incorporate both atomic and condensed matter systems. Our scientific pursuits are complemented by deep industry engagement and entrepreneurial activities. The Quantum Science Group at Sydney hosts a global research node of the Microsoft Station Q network (led by Prof. Reilly) and has led to the formation of Australia’s first venture-capital backed quantum-tech start-up, Q-CTRL (founded and led by Prof. Biercuk). The research program we have built represents a unique strength of the Quantum Science group at Sydney: a highly-integrated effort of leading researchers in both quantum optical/atomic physics and condensed-matter physics, theory and experiment.

Our aims

The field of quantum science aims to push the boundaries of our understanding of quantum mechanics and to develop powerful new technologies based on the unique properties of quantum systems.

Our group undertakes experimental and theoretical research in quantum science that addresses both aims. We engineer and manipulate complex quantum systems and explore solutions at both the hardware and software levels. We develop a fundamental understanding of quantum systems by incorporating insights from quantum computing, quantum error correction, and all other aspects of quantum information science.

At this time, a variety of technology platforms have demonstrated quantum coherent phenomena. Our experimental research efforts focus on two proven systems: spins in semiconductors and trapped atomic ions. These efforts, while distinct, share complementary control techniques and are unified by platform-independent theoretical research in support of the group’s broad interests in quantum science.

Our theoretical research tackles the `big questions’ in quantum science. Our research program in Quantum Information Theory explores the full spectrum of questions from the foundational, such as ‘How does complex behaviour emerge from simple quantum systems?’ and ‘Is there a physical reality that explains the strange quantum properties like Bell nonlocality?’, to the practical, including ‘How can we harness the exotic properties of quantum physics, such as topological quantum phases and quantum error correcting codes,  to design new technologies like quantum computers?’.

Upcoming events

Just in: The @UN has proclaimed 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology. This year-long, worldwide initiative will celebrate #QuantumScience progress and its importance to #SustainableDevelopment worldwide.

Learn more: https://quantum2025.org/


Just in: The @UN has proclaimed 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology. This year-long, worldwide initiative will celebrate #QuantumScience progress and its importance to #SustainableDevelopment worldwide.

Learn more: https://quantum2025.org/


Are you an undergrad interested in #quantum?

Undertake a paid 6-week research project over summer hols at our partner unis with expert mentorship.

Hear from the 2023/24 cohort and read their stories here: https://bit.ly/3R9mm2E

🗓️Apps for 2024/25 cohort open on 28 August.

Watch our Director, Prof Stephen Bartlett and Sydney Nano member Dr Xanthe Croot & her team from the Superconducting Quantum Circuits Laboratory, on @abc730 discussing the federal government’s investment in #quantum #computing.

Excited to share our new preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.15237

We adapt a randomized benchmarking-like protocol to bosonic modes to efficiently characterize a noise source, its strength and its correlation.

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