
Good News: Second Quarter, 2024

Please join me in celebrating the Quantum Science Groups’ achievements, Apr – Jun 2024:

  1. The University of Sydney and its consortium of partners, led by Prof. Stephen Bartlett, won $18.3 million in federal government funding to establish Quantum Australia, an Australian Centre for Quantum Growth. The Centre aims to build strategic relationships across industry, research, consumer and government stakeholders to drive innovation and research translation in Australia’s nascent quantum sector. Congratulations! Read more at https://www.innovationaus.com/sydney-uni-to-lead-18-3m-quantum-australia-effort/ 
  2. The University of Sydney will lead the newly announced ARC Training Centre for Future Leaders in Quantum Computing (FLiQC). FLIQC is one of six industrial training centres commencing in 2024 and will receive a share of $29.8 million in government funding. You can read more about it at https://www.arc.gov.au/news-publications/media/media-releases/more-64-million-funding-support-research-partnerships Congratulations to Prof. Stephen Bartlett (Director) as well as Prof. Andrew Doherty (Deputy Director), Dr. Xanthe Croot, Dr. Ting Rei Tan and Dr. John Bartholomew, USYD’s representatives in this new initiative.
  3. Dr Ting Rei Tan’s work on Quantum drug development received some media coverage in: https://www.science.org/content/article/quantum-computers-could-soon-speed-development-novel-materials-catalysts-and-drugs 
  4. Congratulations to Arkin Tikku (PhD – Quantum Theory Group) and Arjun Rao (Masters – QCL), who have been approved for the conferral of their degrees.